In other words, LE are convinced that BG filmed or videotaped his crime. We dont just look at the Delphi case here. [43] Libby's grandmother, Becky, makes a deal with the girls. They say they want to prevent false confessions. Theyre Delphi related videos comparing his appearance to BG. There are men going down on this all the time all over the US. Maybe he did, maybe he didnt. Not sure of the significance here. Chemicals used in an attempt to hide fingerprints. In the actual footage you can see flash bulbs popping off, presumably taking pics of the scene. And with the evidence they currently have, they havent proven it. Thank you so much! Anything that shows they crossed the creek that evening. There is no way he would come back later to stage anything because he wouldnt know how safe it was or how many law enforcement would be around. He had his keys with him, so why didnt he move his truck when they asked him to instead of lying and saying he couldnt because he had lost his keys? You write an article saying some guys not involved, and you get swamped with threats to track and hunt you down? And fb, of course. These photos were posted years ago by Robert Lindsey. He has since been moved to a state facility for his own safety. Thats not very many. Are you speculating? He could have even confessed to me, but I am still not under obligation to tell the cops. He ran off for s copy for us and sent it to us in the mail. A police chief in Martinez accused the man of committing these crimes, and the man sued the city and won $50,000. What are those supposed Delphi Murders leaked text messages about? That could be why they referred to BG as a creepy guy and still following us. Otherwise, and putting myself in their situation, if I saw someone at a distance on the bridge, I would have thought it was just another hiker and would not have been concerned that he was still following me. I do not want to see this man or his family harassed in any way. Kline is said to have arranged to meet with Libby on the Delphi High Bridge the day before she was murdered while walking along it. For one, its a gross violation of journalistic ethics, and I was trained to be a journalist I have a BA in Journalism and worked as an editor of a large magazine, among other things. I cant see where this is! But no, that was not the case. So the rumor that he filmed the crime and sent the film to a victims phone is proven. BG made a deep cut to the throat of one victim, probably with a hatchet, that resembles the deep cuts made to the throats of pigs at some slaughterhouses. If Libby was treated and posed differently it could indicate she was the actual target. He even brought his phone in and took it apart to reveal the GPS device in it so they could look at it. Could be to cover their own asses. So Id just as soon stop looking at him as a suspect. Have you wrote about what the investigators talked to RL about? He has a prosthetic foot due to diabetes, and no way could he high-tail it across that bridge. youre smart enough you should be able to figure it out by these bomb-sized hints we keep dropping. Investigators think the bodies of slain Delphi girls, Abby Williams and Libby German, were staged and moved at the crime scene, court documents obtained by The Murder Sheet podcast revealed; the shows founders joined Nancy Grace and her expert guests on Wednesdays Crime Stories to discuss the case. Its true by process of elimination. They have thought they had the right guy several times in the Zodiac case, but all of the suspects fell through. Also stated that Abby survived the initial attack and she crawled towards Libby. The police cant prevent private citizens from searching on their own, and its my understanding that many did. There is endless silly speculation in the comments about BG I think BG was a teenagerWhat if BG escaped on a hand glider?What if BG is dead?What if BG escaped to a deserted island where he now renamed himself Lord Jim and is now king of the savages?What if BG is really a woman in drag?What if BG is Mafia hitman?Bla bla bla bla.. John Miller, 63, was arrested in 2018 for the 1988 cold-case rape and murder of 8-year-old April Tinsley. Items known to be carried or worn by BG at the time of crime: Loaded handgun in right jacket pocket, type unknown, possibly a rare .40mm collectors item. The girls' bloodied bodies were found about a half mile from the bridge. Then he needed 2-3 months of therapy to work through this traumatic experience. If anyone else is involved they know who it is. I also have to disagree with you about your criticism of the police for calling off the search at 3 AM. Id be surprised if he were in on this, but stranger things have happened. Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. Correct. Alan, a 50-year-old married father of two children and a CVS technician, was taken into custody Friday and charged with two counts of manslaughter for the mysterious murders in Delphi. All other POIs are dropped or cleared at least as being the killers themselves. They were folded on her chest. Can you spell out the name? BG is a 50 year old man and the three other men are younger, age 17-26. and our I read most of those posts over there and of course I read any post about me. Theres only one parent. We believe that the running away and months of therapy were also staged. In other words, they were faked. Anyway, pastor in a Pentecostal church would be a perfect place for a man like that because those religious people dont care much about Alpha, Beta, and all that stuff. Calling off the search the night the girls went missing was a really, really bad choice. Investigators said the person behind the account posed as the model in order to groom underage girls and get them to send nude photos and their addresses and try to get them to meet. He is described as a white male aged between 16 and 40 years old, between 5 6 and 5 10 in height and weighing between 180 and 200 pounds. Welcome to the site! I appreciate your style about not being afraid to put out things others wouldnt dare & or might even get accosted over doing soThose idiots are WEAK& most of them are hypocritesSome of the new YouTubers even, they first bitch about the same thing, then they start a channel, and the next thing you know, their moderators are hacking/choking& putting that ass in the corner for hours before allowing u to crawl back in, all bruised, & compliantNot for me. Required fields are marked *. If u could see one, u could see the other. If so, where and when? Thats because they havent been told shit. We now have a better time frame for Mr. Xs truck being parked at the cemetery. The date of the crime and the time of the abduction are both 2-13. Some of this confusion is probably natural, since the the whole B family has gone underground. I believe you could be spot on with your main POI. Im actually a rather shy, introverted, cautious, and extremely polite person who is terrified of making people mad, getting called creepy, offending people, etc. CN: Middle aged man, resident of Delphi. LE actually believes BG was 49-50 years old when he committed the crime. The gun jammed, which Garrett said is common. Its odd how there is that other photo of what looks like BG sitting on park bench. The killer contacted Libby on social media using the "catfish" of a young man aged 19. Tough shit. But how could they possibly know this? Phallic objects, specifically a log and a doll, placed next and perpendicular to the genitals of the girls to give the impression that they were being sexually penetrated by these objects. For five years, the murders of 13-year-old Abby Williams and 14-year-old Libby German have hung over Delphi, ghosts that couldn't be put to rest. Was Mr X aware of the pregnancy and the murder was to hide that fact? It is important to note that the validity of the text messages has not and cannot be corroborated at this time. Why not join the 240+ members who have already signed up for the best Delphi sleuthing team of all? On February 13, 2017, Libby and Abby took a hiking trip at the abandoned Monon High Bridge, in an outing that was only meant to be for a few hours. For whatever reason, she confuses facts all the time and cant keep her stories straight. Yes, I know. The suspect has since moved back to North Carolina, and young women have begun to disappear from the trails there now. LE doesnt have much in the way of good, solid evidence against Mr. X. It is interesting that Mr. X appears to have stayed with his truck from 6:30 PM to on Monday, February 13, to 12:30 PM Tuesday, February 14 when the girls were found. I showed a few friends who knew nothing of the case and they didnt see anything either. Kelsis DNA was the only DNA found on the bodies. Forgive me if someone else posted this.but the FBI was called in immediately. I want to be respectful to someone who is innocent until proven guilty also. Occupation: Handicrafter making wooden signs. The man has never been identified. LE blew off their concerns and called off the search, citing safety concerns for the searchers but seemingly had little of the same concerns for the missing teens who could have been severely hurt and unable to help themselves, just waiting for someone in LE to find them that night. There was some sort of a large object, apparently of toy, at the crime scene that was too large for BG to have had it with him on the bridge. In the documents we have, it is openly stated that BG abducted the girls at precisely 2:13 PM. Thing is, we cant figure out if it is a crumpled piece of paper, dried leaves, a stuffed toy, or a doll. Hello Jacqui. What do you all think?" And I cant wait to see what they get from RL about Mr. X. I see you may have particular interest in the Evansdale case due to proximity. Good job though, because you confirm much of what Ive seen. Its very rare for killers to take photos or videos of their crimes. The catfishing situation is not what we think. A suspect has been arrested and charged in connection with the murders of two Indiana teens who were slain on a hiking trail near Delphi, Indiana, more than five years ago, Indiana State Police. Some connection with Libby via geocaching. [Featured image: Abby (l) and Libby (r)/Handout], Alex Murdaugh Begins Prison Sentence With New Haircut, What About Buster Murdaugh? Give it a rest, dammit! I tend to agree. The stories vary from one of the girls still alive crying for help while the other lays dead next to her, the killer moving the bodies into disturbing poses or the killer violating one of the girls who was still alive and the body of the first girl that was killed. FSG didnt recognize him either, and Im sure that FSG and Mr. X knew each other. Becky Patty: Obviously theyre not accusing her of the homicides! You dont have LE sources. People really seem to take him at face value and think that because he is older, hes not capable of committing such a crime. One stepson, age 21 with the same first and last names. Allen's lead defense attorney Brad Rozzi did not respond to a request for comment and fellow attorney Andrew Baldwin declined to comment. There is a difference between a scene that is staged and a scene that is posed, McCollum said. Investigators have never revealed how the girls died or disclosed details about the crime scene. The comments below have not been moderated, By 2-13 again. We believe this because this is what we were told. "No, that's not her nor Libby," he wrote in his text response. The catfish had been catfishing those girls for four months. Not important? Neither one can possibly be BG. 10) Regarding crime scene: Red herrings to throw off law enforcement. I thought nobody looked like the BG in the actual video than PB (especially compared to that FB image with a deer)But now, not a chanceKirts fits that mofo better than allIts in the cheeks, the spit, etcThe cops have known for a while its him too I think. Find these clothes, they will be what solves this! The 2017 murder of Abby and Libby became notorious after investigators released chilling footage the girls recorded of a man following and approaching them across the Manon High Bridge. it would have been nice to track the boot prints around the cemetery to the crime scene to the river but I would assume all that evidence is gone. It is interesting that they are looking for precisely 43 seconds of audio. Distance of residence from crime scene at the time of the crime: Less than 2 miles to the east along the creek. The judicial system likes to make sure that they get it right, if only to protect the due process rights of the accused. The others are guardians. How to Submit Tips In Delphi Murders Case Watch on He was like a manager there or something, in Delphi!!! The victims, according to the warrant, didnt have any defense wounds, but some articles of clothing were taken from them and removed from the scene, while the killer placed the victims bodies in what investigators called a staged manner. Forgive me if Ive missed this, but whats keeping police from arresting this guy? Busy location with a diner nearby. He doesnt want to get uncovered revealing official case documents to the media. They just think its a sin that needs to be overcome. These are simply unverified rumors. He took a piece of jewelry from Libby as a trophy thats also buried. The main suspect according to police is a man whose name rhymes with Fat Clown. But Garrett said he doesn't understand how it took so long for an arrest. Also, you develop better sources. Not long afterwards, the pink stripe was removed from the truck, witnesses say. Most of the rest are not bad people, but they are showboats, loudmouths, and boasters with egos the size of small planets. Robert, have you heard that Mr X had a deer blind on the Mears property? In the search warrant application parts of which are redacted the agent reveals that the murderer would have been covered in the victims blood due to the large amount of blood was lost by the victims at the crime scene. How do you know he had a deer kit and how many knives he had? Im not sure I understand what covered means. This has been misrepresented by doubters as the scanner saying to let Mrs. X into the sealed off area because shes bringing Mr. X his keys. Are we making up lies about getting information from police when we actually have no contacts with them? Hi there, have just come across your work and am interested in joining the private group. Important friendships: Very casual friend of Mike Patty, father of one of the girl victims. We all stumble over our words sometimes. The rumor is that his alibi is a Delphi police officer, Nate Allen, who committed suicide in December. Here's what we've learned and what remains unclear: Abby and Libby, best friends in the eighth grade, were on a hiking trail in rural Delphi when they were killed in February 2017. Via LE Source A, we learned that LE has only recently started to believe that BG (Mr. X) is also responsible for the Evansdale Murders. Point is that he may have never had ceased offending. Delphi, Indiana from at least 1984-2021. I didnt mean to imply that, sorry. A pair of binoculars. The search warrant list a number of items that LE is looking for. This was just the most underhanded, disgusting display of we need a fall guy, and LE should be ashamed of themselves.
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