You dont think its a good idea? When Lena lowers her chopsticks, resting them on her takeout box, Kara feels the oxygen leaving her lungs. Youll have everything you need. Come sit. Wont we, Alex? the woman smirked. She tilts her head, asking Alex to voice her thoughts. Yeah i figured this too. After the guards freed you, they left, locked the door behind them. Supergirl lands in front of you, with a shoebox in hand. Yes. Brainy responds. Glass explodes around her as Robyns vocals increase. What are you doing bitch ! Yelled the taller man. She tries her best to calm you, but the truth is, there is nothing she can say. Besides, he knew Alex would come around eventually. Alex leans forward as she studies her sisters face. If you happen to take inspiration from anything Ive written and want to write something inspired by that, please a) ask me first and b) IF I say yes, credit me as inspo in your post by tagging me and link whatever work of mine that inspired you. Emma is listening to Winn, Kara, Lena and Brainy debate something sciency, but she cannot keep up with their discussion. Kara's super super (pun intended) strong x-ray vision reveals something very exciting. You want help from another division, you wait and ask for it. Lily nuzzles into her, keeping pressure on her side and keeping Emma grounded while she continues to listen. Why couldnt you just ignore him? Kara, ignoring you completely, goes to your laptop, while Alex opens your fridge. You struggled with your thoughts, trying to tell her everything. Did, I mean, were those words- Kara says quickly but falters and goes to fiddle with her glasses. Then we searched through footage around London, trying to find a hint of you. Alex explains, her eyes shining with tears. Lena. Alex places a hand on Lenas shoulder, concern seemingly replacing her anger. She is restless and frustrated. "Talk to me, honey. Its food. An uneasy feeling in her stomach area and the panic that rose in her, let her jacket and her purse, which hung over her arm, fall on the ground. I don't believe you. She says taking a bite. You know, I think you and I are going to be good friends, Danvers, Lucy said smugly. The first time Emma walked on her first birthday to try and follow Alex. You saw Kara and then behind her, Alex with all the DEO agents. She stares at the photo and cant help but feel torn. It was good, boring as usual but good. You replied. You- you didnt know? Lena hiccups as her bloodshot eyes study Alexs reaction. Karas worried gaze shifted from Alex to the dresser she was standing a few inches away from. Dont worry, sis. Its so fast the way your brain starts calculating how many calories you can still have today and if an extra cup of black coffee is worth all of it. 'How did she know.' Please! You. TonsillitisPart 3: Lena Luthor x Daughter!reader, Supertimes with the Superfriends Chapter 1: M Is For Monopoly, Supertimes with Superfriends Chapter 2: The Best Holiday, Superfun with Superfriends Chapter 3: Twister, Superfun with Superfriends: Chapter 4: Movie Night, Supergirl: Superfun with Superfriends Chapter 5: Clue. One step at a time, ok? She cleans your tears with her hands. Put your hands up and it will do you no harm.. "Did you miss me?" Clever. ", A short laugh escaped your lips and you leaned against the table that you were recently setting. ", Leaning out of breath against the kitchen counter and nervously tapping the marble area with her index, middle and ring finger at irregular intervals, she listened to the annoying beeping stopping before it turned into her sisters bright voice. Rolling her eyes she storms over but before she slams open the door, she hears Lena sobbing through it. Well be with you every step of the way., Well learn how to deal with it together. Alex calms you. It was without introduction that Alex jumped to the conclusion that this woman was possibly an unwelcomed guest of honor whos come for the Dominator, though there was enough evidence to suggest it. Her eyes immediately land on the suitcase of bottles and she swallows deeply. Mom you are in denial it tasted like burnt fish. Kara faint, hurt by putting her hand on her heart and gasping. Damn it. Maybe we can rebuild our friendship? Her eyes fall to Lena's chest, where the ring sits, hidden by the raven haired beauties clothes. Shes taken punch lines at her height before, but only among friends. (Taglists are at the end of the fic), MCU Masterlist #1 | MCU Masterlist #2 | Main Masterlist. Lena stays frigid as she watches and listens to the lyrics. You can decide how this ends? You okay? Kara asks in concern and Emma nods, running a hand through her hair. Music is generally the same notes over and over, but its what you have to say that counts. You change out of your school clothes. More tears pour from her eyes and she clutches at the ring again. Alex turned to face her when Lucy winked back, causing a flush of heat to rise from Alex, and causing the DEO agent to speed up her stride. Seriously. Emma, would you like to explain about the bottles?. Although she still felt apprehensive about what the future could hold and whether things could repeat themselves again. The sisters passed a look of remorse, hating that their little sister was in pain, even if it would help in the end. Due to the nature of the group we have sponsors within the DEO and meet separately. The Superfriends frown at the question, some even looking over at the blonde. you tried to calm your hands, which were starting to tremble. Alex swore she saw the womans veins popping out from her temple. Alexs blood starts to boil. Alex shook her head, picked up her coffee and brought it to her lips. If she had found Sheldon safe and sound she would just be yelling and celebrating through the comms. Ok then look me straight in the eyes and tell me you don't have a boyfriend. She says. Eliza quickly gets a glass of cool water for her daughter. But you need to understand how deeply I still feel for her, despite what she did. Ouch, Kara laughed. Fuck sake. Alex slurs out and slams the lid of her laptop down. Emmas worried eyes focus on Alexs. She still speaks, though. Work Search: I can enter the system without a problem, download the files though, its something else, but thats not my problem. The agent heard the blonde shift in her chair, concerned about the choice of words, while she cleared her throat to give herself time for a moments thought. Reboot (A superflash fanfic) by Hoo-Man Being. They wait until you have the first bite, so they can start eating too. Sheldon Danvers. She instantly removed it, shaking it in hopes of it granting her even the slightest bit of relief. You write from the depths of your soul and are able to connect with others. I told you what would happen if you ever hurt her. Alex grits out, she watches as Lenas face crumbles and she lowers her head. I still feel- disappointed. Emma whispers out and coughs. A moan escapes her lips from the velvety taste, making Lena smile and chuckle. # 9. "You shouldnt be here." Morning. Robyn utters back coolly, causing Lena to turn and gaze at her. At that exact moment Emma swings the baseball bat, bearing the words FUCK YOU! at the camera where it switches to show her hitting a car and denting it like the metal was nothing. You heard a :kling and then you saw it : a sort of force of field between him and you, it was barely visible. Astra Luthor-Danvers, Jamie and Liz Sawyer-Danvers, have an adventure of their lifetime. And its not like she generally complains about it because she truly loved her job, and not to mention, is pretty hell bent on being around just in case Kara was ever in trouble and needed her help. One time he got up to feed Emma but I could hear her fussing. I would never choose anyone over you and Im sorry it felt that way., Kara nods in agreement. The same grotesque monster that demolished National City. And right now, its recorded as a single fugitive. The sky continues to shift from a brilliant blue to the colours of sunset. I agree its good. Lena takes a sip of her own before lowering her mug to her lap. Kara notices Lenas brains cogs working on an argument to debunk hers, and she smirks proudly when her friend rolls her eyes, a signal that Lena hasnt found anything to say against it. He didnt finish his sentence, Lena, with a velocity you coudnt suspect pushed his head against the screen and some of piece of glass and plastic flew away when he broke. Geez. We will review when we are back at the DEO.. Theres something we want to talk to you about., Kara sets her food aside, looking way too serious. Ill die for you if i must.. Ill leave you alone til the time has come. Seconds passed and you remembered : You were with Lena at her office, she almost kissed you and then . Put your hands up and dont move ! screamed one of the men. And she hoped that they would have more moments like this in the future. Agent Vasquez wanted me to show you this. Reiff pulls out a tablet and holds it out for Alex. A gentle knock on the door makes them look over and Jonn quietly enters. Picture of yourself from now or Ill call mom and tell her youre on drugs. Alex? Sam gets up and heads over to her fiance, clearly seeing that Alex was getting more and more agitated. The eldest Danvers listened to their sister chatter in the back about what a fun time she had had that night and how she couldnt wait to do it again next year. Are there any other questions relating to what has been said? Alistair asks, opening the space to the group. Once the pizza was finished and dessert was had they switched to Uno and when one of them would place a plus four down. I should die because of what I did., Wow! Kara cant live like this until its acceptable for them to divorce and move on with their lives separately. aunts. I understand how easy it is to use alcohol as a means to run away from your emotions. They were all armed, why did she do this ? That's why Alex felt okay sending you on it without her or Kara their. You didnt respond, didnt want to bring him satisfaction. Dinner's ready. You sat down at the table and Kara places a plate in front of you. You were dragged along corridors. Alex, Jonn scolded with a stern voice. Do I have to? Her mind asks apprehensively. Yea, Ive just never been good at being woken up quickly. It would be good PR, the excuse isnt lousy or ridiculous. You regretted your choice to be silence when he grabbed you by the hair, you winced in pain. CW WARNING: Description of burnt and bloodied skin. I needed you both and you werent there but you were for Lena., I can see how that looks. Alex says softly and steps back but keeps ahold of Emmas hand. You cant believe you got caught. Letting you know she doesn't believe your lies even for a second. baby danvers Caught having Sex Sex Swearing Baby Danvers (the third and younger Danvers sister) is having a very bad day and things get even worse when she walks into her sister in a very compromising situation. But Sam grows concerned at her best friends pale face. Here you go Sweetheart., Emma takes it and signs her thanks before taking a few sips. Please let me know what you think as it does mean soooo much to me. Lena shakes her head and starts to sob again, despite trying to hold them in. Mom, You know you can't cook anything. Robyn nods and Emma sniffs heavily. Give me a minute alright? She would like an apple juice, please. Fay answers for Emma and she signs her thanks. Running into their past parents and past demons. Probably wouldve thought I killed you first.. Your stomach thanks you, satisfied with real food going in, while your mind angrily shouts at you that tomorrow youll have to run farther, eat less, and so on. i will talk ! Lena doesnt look like shell believe whatever you have to say for yourself, but she still makes her way to where you are and holds your hair in a high ponytail. He rushed foward and slapped her on the face with his gun. In a desperate attempt to block out the pain, she tried to zone out, but Karas yell ofALEX! sliced through her concentration like a knife in thin air. Alex could sense some underlying anger though, something at the core of this woman that went deeper than her having to work with National Citys DEO. Speaking of Welcome Miss Luthor and Miss Danvers I presume? As a teenager Alex Danvers had a one-night stand, which ended in an unplanned pregnancy, the father wanted nothing to do with alex and the baby. I am deeply hurt by your words, young lady. You laughed and moved over to the stove. Wow. Ben whispers out, feeling his heart being tugged at the utter pain being portrayed in Emmas eyes.
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