The message should be: How will you get the message to your audience? Additionally, it can provide those in executive level roles the necessary knowledge of PIO roles and . The following are excerpts from some successful blogs by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the Ventura City Manager in Ventura, CA, and the Arizona Department of Health Services. It is important to note that traditional media sources are not being replaced by social media; instead, traditional media are using social media to connect with their audiences and expand their reach. B. What is happening in other areas? Recognize various legal aspects associated with emergencies and public information. Distribute family emergency preparedness kits through community elementary schools is both clearer and more meaningful. Access to the scene for information and images. Are there warnings or other critical messages to be communicated to the public? Doug Miser. Primary audience: FEMA IS-29.A is designed for the new or less experienced state, local, tribal and territorial PIOs or those who have this role as a secondary function. Information developed and disseminated in anticipation of, during, or after an emergency to provide specific life- and health-saving information C. Issuing a news release on a seatbelt law (public information); announcing a road closure due to a multiple-car accident (emergency public information) D. Information collected, assembled, or maintained by an organization in connection with the transaction of official business and available for dissemination to the public, 8. Members of the media do not want to interfere with these tasks, but if they can get close enough to observe and/or photograph they will be happy. endstream endobj 495 0 obj <. In other words, express parallel ideas in parallel grammatical forms. . This process includes: Your goal statement expresses what you hope to achieve through your campaign. Make it less likely that your release will be cut C. Impress people in the target audience D. Be a barrier to communication, 22. Later in the day, Deputy Mayor Mike Tracy and I stood in the same bedroom, getting a first-hand briefing from Fire Chief Kevin Rennie and Capt. It was four, five, and six teams from every news, particularly the TV stations sending out that many cameras with that many reporters from each station and it just was incredible, not to mention the newspapers, the radio stations, the smaller papers in the area plus national media. Add to the measurable statistics C. Enlist support and involvement of organization personnel while communicating a consistent message D. Demonstrate commitment to the organization, 16. Test the message on a safe audience B. A directory of your organizations Internet presence. If you anticipate what they will want, you will have a better chance to manage the scene and help guide the story. This lesson focused on how to communicate effectively, which involves: In the next lesson you will learn how to use your tools and skills to communicate information about being prepared to your community. You should set a realistic deadline and interim benchmarks, as needed. . Next you need to identifyhowyou will communicate. Is there any restriction on the information to be released? The National Incident Management System (NIMS) is:A. Conducting public awareness campaigns; Gathering key information/details of the event; Prioritizing and issuing notices, alerts, and warnings; Taking action to maintain control of rumors; Coordinating inquiries from the public, the media, and elected officials; Coordinating tours or other interviews with agency reps and the media Even the best writer can make mistakes, particularly when under pressure or in a time crunch. Other zombie origins shown in films include radiation from a destroyed NASA Venus probe (as inNight of the Living Dead), as well as mutations of existing conditions such as prions, mad-cow disease, measles and rabies. Public Information and Warning . They can be used for personal networking, professional networking, and sharing public information. (A media pool refers to a group of news-gathering organizations pooling their resources in the collection of news.) Last name. NIMS Description of the PIOs Responsibilities. A well-executed interview will likely not A. advance leaderships goals. Below are some, but not all, of the critical skill sets learned during this training program: Personnel who are assigned or may be designated to perform public information duties during an incident, emergency, or disaster and anyone in a response discipline who may be assigned or designated to perform public information duties. 0 An important part of the PIOs relationship with the media is knowing what they want. In the Incident Command System (ICS) structure, the Public Information Officer (PIO): A. Illustrate the multiple roles of the Public Information Officer and the media in planning for and responding to an emergency. Social marketing is the use of commercial marketing principles to: A. The process for ensuring that a public information message was accurately conveyed is typically called: A. 1955 0 obj <>stream The ability for readers to leave comments in an interactive format is an important part of many blogs. Coordinate access to policymakers and others (e.g., first responders and disaster survivors). The rise of zombies in pop culture has given credence to the idea that a zombie apocalypse could happen. This lesson reviews the four steps in creating a public awareness campaign. Having such knowledge enables them to make informed choices that affect their health and well-being. ., Example 2:There is more severe weather on the way as a large storm cell is moving across Livingston Parish into EBR. How or what can your community learn from these events? The Governor repeated his request that everyone use caution and heed warning messages on TV and radio, or in their newspapers. if4-0lP,H^F1!P`8FF@T br.afQP0G@U@} )F%H (wtP9 lF `PFn*Lks]k^s9LgsXxh|s ]bpa This lesson presents information on how to effectively communicate with the media and the whole community. Evaluate the effectiveness of your campaign. The following was originally posted on CDC Public Health Matters Blog on May 16, 2011, by Ali S. Khan. The benefits of social media include the following capabilities: New social media tools are being developed and implemented all the time. C. Consider information about the whole community when identifying topics, including: There is no point in conducting a hurricane preparedness campaign if your area is not subject to hurricanes. You can use different types of media and different avenues to get your message out, including: According to a Pew Research Center project conducted in December 2010, Americans now get most of their news information from television and the Internet, with newspaper readership declining. PIOs must possess good oral communication skills because they will need to present critical information and prepare other people to speak: More information on speaking and preparing speakers is presented in Lesson 3. Check with them to see if the location selected for a media area will allow them to accomplish this connection. List the skills needed to be an effective PIO. Three PIOs on the scene of a crisis huddling prior to making a statement to the media. The Student Self Service Portal allows you to print or download Independent Study (IS) Completion Certificates, Student IS Transcripts (for personal or employer use) and Official IS Transcripts (for educational institutions only). You can find the complete list of courses in the Spanish language course list. FEMA does not endorse any non-government Web sites, companies or applications. To read this blog, go to:, Example 1:Survivors of the April tornadoes have until Monday, June 27 to register for disaster assistance from FEMA as well as . The participant will benefit from participating in entry-level incident command system training prior to taking this course. Sit on your coat tail to keep your jacket from riding up. Guidance on COVID protections for EMI students, and the CDC Coronavirus page for the latest updates on the pandemic response. Are there cultural differences to take into consideration? Serves as an advisor to the Incident Commander. This lesson introduced you to the steps to create a preparedness campaign: These steps will help you develop a campaign that will inform the whole community about the importance of being ready and preparedness steps to take. Additionally, students conduct various public information activities and exercises, to include writing messages and conducting press conferences. It can be taken alone or before Basic Public Information Officer Training (G290). Technology has a great impact on your ability to manage the message. The first step in developing a public awareness campaign is to research issues to identify relevant topics for your campaign. Describe traditional media available for communication. We wanted questions answered, we wanted stories to be able to do, and we had one place to go to and that was great. A campaign on hurricane awareness wont get much play in December. During an incident, the media wants: At an incident scene, after you have conferred with the Incident Commander to assess the situation, you can begin to manage the situation by making contact with the media. the feedback has been, you know, we appreciate this. The JIS is a system that ensures coordination and integration of information across jurisdictions, organizations, and agencies during an incident. The five (5%) segment of the 95/5 concept B. downtime when working an emergency. C. blue sky time but makes no difference in credibility. They can be timelesslike encouraging children to be active. Better yet is the number of people who call and request preparedness kits! Select this link to access a printable . Smith activated the State Emergency Operations Center, which coordinates State firefighting efforts in these situations. Gathering feedback and heading off problems, Explaining your mission, policies, and goals. Increased information needs can be handled. Some tips for building relationships with your media contacts are: It is important to prepare a list of media outlets and contacts, for everyday activities and to act quickly in an emergency. This course can provide a basic understanding of the PIO function for those new to the position. All goals should have a target date for completion. What are people in your community concerned about? Communicating factual information with the public is the most important job function of a PIO. Do you know what to do to protect yourself and your family? For more information on the Public Information Officer training program, contact First name. This lesson introduces you to some emergency management principles contained in the National Incident Management System (NIMS). It uses organizational charts that can be provided to the news media C. It was created for first responders and is helpful at the beginning of an incident D. It has been proven effective during massive wildfire incidents. Here are the FEMA test answers to IS-29.A: Public Information Officer Awareness. Even a few minutes of practice can make a big difference. What is the community sentiment toward your organization or the issue? Managing public information is another fundamental element of emergency management. It is important to prepare each person to ensure your message is consistent. Select the correct definition Emergency Public Information A. Coordinates the release of accurate, coordinated, timely, and accessible public information to affected audiences, including the government, media, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), and the private sector B. Many edits, however, can be made in real-time and appear almost instantly online. Disclosing information to the public in ways that are easy to find and use. As a PIO, your target audiences include . Providing information and access to newsmakers. What do you want people to know or do after hearing your message? User: The Public Information Officer: A. Interfaces with the public and media and/or with other agencies regarding incident-related information requirements. Please review the IS FAQ's for more information. Governor James Smith today declared a state of emergency in the Great A&P fire that is rapidly spreading west. Some examples of evolving media tools are: Web sites can be used alone or in conjunction with traditional media and other evolving media to get your message out. 3. Some evaluation data can be collected without contact with the audiencefor example, number of Web page hits or increase in the quantity of smoke alarms purchased. Managing Public Information for All-Hazards Incidents (MPI) is a four-day course that provides students with the practical knowledge of the role of the Public Information Officer, the National Incident Management System, emergency communications methods, risk communication, and interpersonal skills. The role of a PIO can be executed by one person or as a team, depending on the emergency and what resources are available. If you do not want something recorded by the media, cover it up or shield it with a vehicle. Another way to express your key message B. . Establishing relationships with news media representatives by being accessible and prepared. Identify contacts and sources that are relevant to your organization. And thats not all. Depending on where the media area is, the media representatives will need to be able to connect with their microwave towers or uplink with a satellite. Some important considerations to effectively use evolving media include developing: Now you have an understanding of the advantages and limitations of traditional and evolving media. You can entice them to stay by giving them regular official updates and letting them know that if they are absent they may miss something important or interesting. With an eye on public safety, the mayor began looking for a way to educate people about disaster preparation and response. School, 43 Margaret St. . Create clear and easily understood messages. . Speculation C. Summarizing D. Bridging, 12. A validation of your key message C. Backgrounders D. Photos, charts, and graphics, 25. * The social media links provided are for reference only. Who is likely to be affected by the hazard or threat? Weegy: The role of the pubic information officer is to gather facts and disseminate it to the media. 50% C. 25% D. 5%, 9. A strategy to effectively use all the tools (traditional media and evolving media) together and determine the best mix of tools for what you want to communicate. Select the right media to reach the target audience. Click on a program for additional information. for the incident. This awareness-level training is suitable for new PIOs. To read this blog, go to: Measurement is how you evaluate success, but make sure your numbers reflect significant achievement. When preparing written products, it is important that your message is understood. Goals should be stated in clear, concise terms that have meaning for those working on the campaign and other key stakeholders. Hundreds are so ill that they end up being admitted to the hospital. Evolving media (Web sites, email, blogs, social networking sites, etc.). 0 Prepare a Go Kit filled with your tools, contact information, and other vital documents. Email is also an ideal tool for communicating within your organization because you generally have access to your colleagues email addresses. Lieutenant Doug McCleve: One of the reasons why we felt it was so important to put together a Joint Information in the first, Center in the first place is because we knew that there would be all aspects of State government involved in this process from providing basic food and clothing and shelter for these people who have had nothing for up to a week. The Public Information Officer is responsible for interfacing with the public and media and/or with other agencies with incident-related information requirements. Resource Typing Definition for Response . Well, were here to answer that question for you, and hopefully share a few tips about preparing forrealemergencies too! It may be a good idea to record how many news releases you sent out, but the amount of media coverage you receive (e.g., column inches, mentions on news programs, and number of radio interviews) is more indicative of success. Construct and deliver an appropriate crisis and emergency risk message. Over 150 PIOs working a major disaster, often from different locationsall to ensure clear and accurate information is being delivered amid the confusion of a disaster response. Year in and year out, nearly 1,400 Arizonans get heat related illnesses so serious that they end up in an emergency department. You need to write to your audience. A secondary audience is elected or other officials such as Incident Commanders or emergency operations center managers who want an overview of emergency public information. Learn and respect your media contacts deadlines. Private wiki servers require user authentication to edit pages, and sometimes even to read them. Provide information and updates in a timely manner. For example, you can post videos, use social networking sites, and/or create a blog. The goal of this awareness course is to provide an orientation to the public information function and the role of the Public Information Officer (PIO) in the public safety/emergency management environment. 524 0 obj <>stream Do they have special communication needs (e.g., visual or hearing impairments, or limited English proficiency)? Social Marketing A. theory is an important component of the strategic communications planning process. B. requires in-depth focus groups to focus the message. Verdi White: The way that we set this particular operation up is we took the Incident Command System and made it an overlay onto the National Guard that had the infrastructure to be able to do all the functions that we needed to accomplish to do this, and of course one of the central components of, of an incident command system is the public information piece. Video sharing sites to expand or market a story, and. Check off the things you would plan to include in your Go Kit and add other items as you see fit. Emergency management guidance for public- and private-sector organizations C. A database of Federal-level emergency incidents D. Another name for the National Response Framework, 21. While local, tribal, territorial, and State governments may have different laws regarding transparency and open government the general principles are to be: As a PIO, it is important to know the laws that apply in your area because of your role in providing information to the public. This physical site is called the Joint Information Center (JIC), and is the location where: Narrator: When the State of Utah began to accept evacuees from the Gulf States as a result of the devastation from Hurricane Katrina, they implemented a Joint Information Center. Establish contact with other agency PIOs. Narrator: Red Stick Ready targets every segment of the community. Mayor Holden: By having that access it really helped us to quell the various rumors that were out there and we were able to keep the situation calm. This feature can facilitate abuse of the system. The best approach is to meet with school officials early to determine when your program best fits their schedule. Managing Public Information for All-Hazards Incidents (MPI) is a four-day course that provides students with the practical knowledge of the role of the Public Information Officer, the National Incident Management System, emergency communications methods, risk communication, and interpersonal skills. 4. Participants will benefit from participating in entry-level incident command system training prior to taking this course. Web sites can link to social media sites, help you collect email addresses, display videos, house blogs, or link to other Web sites. An important part of your role as a PIO is to communicate with your community before something happens. Dont date your materials by using the year or referring to news events that will become out-of-date quickly. Narrator: In addition to a preparedness television show and Mayor Mouse, Red Stick Ready also communicates preparedness information through a Web site, the use of social media, and events like Red Stick Ready Day. With passive voice, the subject is thereceiverof the action. The test questions are scrambled to protect the integrity of the exam. (Unit 1), Describe the role and functions of the PIO. Emergency management knowledge including an understanding of NIMS, ICS, the JIS, and the JIC. Avoid getting involved in these media disputes. Do not be afraid to put bad news first if that is the message. Check Web sites and social media sites, read newspapers, watch TV, and listen to radio to know how your message is getting out. Preparing quality written products including news releases. Because its money well spent in the end and if your PIOs can learn from other areas of the Nation that are doing things well, send them there, let them learn from the people who have done it before, so that when they come back they can build a system that works for you. ), John enjoys boating, swimming, and to fish. Cell phone(s) with email capability or satellite phone(s), Flash drives and CDs* containing the elements of the crisis communication plan (including news media contact lists, PIO team contact lists, information materials, etc. The table below summarizes what you need to provide for a print story, and identifies the advantages and limitations of print. Keep the subject and verb close together. In order to keep a consistent two-way flow of information with the media representatives at the scene, it is important to make it relatively easy to communicate with them face to face. Joanne H. Moreau: So Mayor Mouse, our mayor, along with the real mayor actually goes to that event and interacts with the people that are present. They focus on specific issues or programs to move the public to take action. A defining characteristic of wiki technology is the ease with which pages can be created and updated. With the advent of social media, another type of news release you may want to use is the Social Media Release (SMR). An important difference in these evolving media is that anyone can report the informationit could be a reporter, you, someone in your organization, or anyone in the public. The Public Information Officer may also perform a key public information-monitoring role. Some tips to contribute to your success when managing information during an emergency are: A Go Kit is a mobile response kit that allows PIOs to function in the event that they are working outside of their normal place of operation. The role of the pubic information officer. This lesson presents information on tools you can use in support of your role as a Public Information Officer (PIO). Determines what the public needs to know. Quantify results when evaluating public information efforts. Describe the role of the PIO in an emergency. Also, it may be necessary to explain to them the danger, and how if they fail to heed the warnings and become injured, they may endanger others who would have to then go in to rescue them (e.g., passing into the plume of a Hazmat area, traveling over an unsafe structure that may collapse, or moving into the line of fire of an armed suspect). The widespread use of social media means you and your organization need to include social media in your communication strategy. The Mayors Office developed an outreach campaign known as Red Stick Ready. Responsibilities of the Components of the ICS Organization. In their zeal to get the story reporters may not always recognize the potential for danger to themselves. Possess and enhance certain qualities and skills that make an effective PIO. AZ Department of Health Services Directors Blog. Sound bite B. The press saw it. . Describe evolving media tools, including social media, for communication. At the end of this course, participants will be able to: Federal Emergency Management Agency | Emergency Management Institute, Notice to Applicants for EMI or NFA Courses, How to apply for a FEMA Independent Study course (Online Course), How to apply for a course held in EMI (On-Campus Course), Non-Resident Courses (EMI Courses Conducted by States), National Standard Exercise Curriculum (NSEC), Master Exercise Practitioner Program (MEPP), Emergency Management Professional Program (EMPP), National Incident Management System (NIMS), Integrated Emergency Management Course (IEMC), Disaster Field Training Operations (DFTO), Schools Multihazard and Mass Casualty Planning, Virtual Table Top Exercise (VTTX) (Sites participate from home via VTC), Critical Infrastructure Security and Resilience, Exercise Simulation System Document (ESSD), Guidance on COVID protections for EMI students, Please review the IS FAQ's for more information, Define emergency public information and the importance of being proactive. Narrator: While responding to disasters, Mayor Holden and his staff began to realize that many of the issues they faced repeatedly could be eliminated if the public was better prepared. C. is presented as a bad example of public information management. Emergency Management Institute Include email addresses and Internet sites for the media contact. This includes: More information on learning about the whole community is presented in Lesson 4. They knew that they werent being led down another road, that they were hearing things unfiltered. Conduct research to determine which tool is best to meet your agencys needs. Demonstrate that you are in the knowB. They have access to the officials. Proactivity occurs during A. !]U9[MZ\waQ>yICK{",|.NH&ec* 'C/M;WrQJ6bs\ 886} Brian Hyer: We had all kinds of questions. D. has become ever more complex as the challenge of delivering messages has evolved. (Passive). At the completion of this lesson you should be able to: Public awareness campaigns are ongoing public education programs that PIOs use to inform, educate, and increase organizational visibility. This lesson introduced you to different tools you can use to communicate your message as a PIO, including: In the next lesson you will learn how to prepare quality written products for these tools and how to speak effectively with the media and to the public. An important part of the PIOs role is to prepare written products, so the PIO must be able to write clearly and effectively. A news release should be used when an activity or incident is newsworthy based on: News releases should be printed on your organizations letterhead and include a header with contact information (name and number), date, and a news release number.