Nolle, watching TV with his wife and niece, heard a noise at the front of the house and looked out the door. Miami officer Charles W. Potterton was shot through the lung, within two inches of his heart, Thursday night. Also, the radio system went from 100 watts to 500 watts according to MPD Chief Radio Operator, Ben Denby. Stevens (Stephens) from 4AM to 12 noon. )(397 words). Driggers shot and killed the suspect during the confrontation. 22nd Ave and 23 Street, by a close friend as the two were in the process of shooting the friend's sick dog. The Phoenix Police Department is now hiring for multiple positions. Officer Schel, a three year veteran, pulled up his zone car alongside a subject on foot when the man abruptly wheeled and shot Officer Schel through the right shoulder. Homicide Detective B. J. At a subsequent trial, Niles was convicted of first degree murder which then carried an automatic sentence of execution in Floridas new electric chair. While in the process of donning my fellow officer's britches, he arrived home!!!!! The . (This chapter provides details into this shootout that resulted in the death of a MPD detective.) To this day, no one has been convicted of the tragic crime. THE GANS KIDNAPPING AND MURDER - A 1975 FBI Screw Up, (Sad story about how the FBI blew a case resulting in the death of two kidnap victims) (251 words), NOTE: Six years later Knight killed a prison guard, Richard Burke, and was again sentenced to die in the chair As of this writing (2010), Knight is still sitting on death row, the second longest prisoner in Florida's prison death row. Clay, who was standing in front of the fire station. . Detective Castillo succumbed to his wounds at the scene. (Miami Herald, 7/23/1926 & Miami News, 716/1926), When news from Cuba warned that an impending storm was heading north, Miami Police Chief Quigg released all local prisoners from the jail so that they could assist their families in storm preparation with instructions to report back to jail after the storm had passed. In December of 1907, a citizen charged Chief Hardee with a violation of his duties for releasing information to a suspect. Media Relations Section; Hick was survived by two sons, one of whom became a MPD officer in the 1940's (Louis Hicks). These detectives collectively investigate the victimization of children through the production, possession, and/or dissemination of child pornography. Leslie Quigg, long time MPD Chief of Police, related this story to MPD Vet Joe --------, husband of Quigg's granddaughter. July1905 to 1911. Dick was the author's partner in the Patrol, Task Force and later in Robbery. The chief and the new public safety director, would be appointed by the city manager, and police officers would fall under civil service guidelines. They were apprehended the day of Wever's funeral, in a shack/camp while sleeping later that night in the town of Fulford, Florida (now North Miami Beach). In the early 1940's he was again demoted and an attempt was made to discharge him due to the fact that he originally joined the department under a name other than his birth name. (Miami News- 1/10/1937). 1996), (This chapter relates some tales from the MPDs pursuit of the CASH GANG) (766 words). Periodic checks were made by members of the Safe & Holdup Squad. The plane was still able to take off over the waters of Biscayne Bay and headed for Cuba. 9105 NW 25th Street, Harry Bouterse, Officer H.S. He said it wasnt used to extract confessions but that it was used at one time and investigators were able to recover $1,600 worth of stolen goods. (He had one), A news photo showed motor officer Sgt. The department, in conjunction with the Dade County Schools, also has opened the Miami Police High School with a curriculum focusing on Law Enforcement, CSI forensic training and Law, focusing on the youth of the inner city population of Miami. Humorous stories were submitted to the Miami Police Veteran's Association website during the past 12 years by MPD retirees. View Map. The homeowner heard the noise and seen the blue lights of the squad car. The area was then expanded to the west, close to what is now NW 7th Avenue. Early television viewers in the Northeast were bombarded with TV ads and the Arthur Godfrey show to "come on down", and they did. My fellow motorman made no statement at the time and has made none since. The bullet passed through his foot and shoe but did not strike a bone. )(2,923 words). John B. Rowland, 36, a Dade County States' Attorney investigator, will become Chief of Police on May 18, 1936. Some of the results of these actions can be seen from news articles that appeared in the Miami Daily News during that period. Litchfield in now in the hospital and is not expected to live. Phillip took no action on the information nor did he make a report. Niles was arrested for the murder of fellow cabbie, W.R. Asher, after MPD motor officer P.C. The eight men then ran into an open field. She was rushed to Jackson Hospital for treatment. He started to insist on driving but was already a DUI (probably also had a few on the way to work). (This vicious crime described in the book resulted in the hanging of the offender. It was in this same month that Broward County was created from Palm Beach and Dade Counties. (This chapter tells the story of the departments in-fighting.) OFFICER DeLEON KILLED IN HIGH SPEED CHASE. Det Thomas Elder won the dubious prize while Det A.B. Click here for an updated story. I explained my plight and she directed me to their bedroom and provided me with a pair of her husband's uniform britches.' (Miami News-5/1/1923). Off Scott worked the train tower at 20th Street. Also this month, a 21 year old volunteer city fire fighter, John Thompson, was killed when his fire truck flipped over en route to a call just north of town. Many residents of the area were asked (and complied) to take a polygraph test. A suspect had confronted her in her own home and savagely attacked her, even cutting off one breast and sticking it onto a bedroom dresser mirror. No details offered. Phone: (928) 779-4549. Chief Quigg, when queried, stated "that he had given permission for the escort, but was under the impression that the motorcade was to be confined to the City of Miami only". LOL)( 278 words), 189. McAdam runner up with 136, W.W. Hendrickson 124, Frank Hardee, former Chief, with 116, C.R. We still greatly miss him, his deep voice and his keen mind. I knocked at the door of the apartment and his wife responded, in a bathrobe. It's about 0300 and I start making a cursory look as one of my units arrive. It was also reported that Officer Eddie Motes lost a leg due to an off duty motorcycle accident. June 23rd -Desk Sgt John Phillips was demoted for failure to take action on a report that a citizen was contemplating suicide. Also on this date, Det. Officers George Spell and Burt Langdale were injured in a head on auto crash at SW 16 St and 27th Ave while running an emergency call behind an ambulance. His last words were, Goodby to all poor people everywhere, PUSH THE BUTTON. Sgt. Roosevelt had been expected to make a 20 minute speech to a crowd, estimated at 25 thousand, interested in seeing the new President close up. Freeman, W.R. On-the-job in 1907. Prior to confronting the suspect, who was allegedly armed, the four detectives planned their apprehension. June 10th- Four MPD officers to stand trial for the beating of C.E. (Pic shows about 30 MPD guys in a classroom. The Miami Police department organized a Homicide Unit in July of 1926, according to a story in the Miami Herald, July 23, 1926 and Miami News, 7/16/1926. Bill Berger is currently the U.S Marshall for Florida and Ray Martinez is the Chief of Miami Beach PD. Jackson, came on the scene. The four detectives entered the train at NE 29TH Street prior to arriving at the Seaboard rail station. (MPD Records, City of Miami publications, Miami Metropolis/News- 7-1917). Coconut Grove merchants demanded that a police review committee of consisting of Asst. Campbell, as he was hiding, exhausted from running, behind a house at NW 8th Street Road and 11th Street. "Be careful about what you ask for?" The fourth offender escaped. Upon Gillette's arrival at the home, Fairbrother threatened the on-duty officer with a knife and Gillette fired twice to stop the attack. It was noted that Detective Sgt Hardy Bryan was promoted to Lieutenant by Chief Quigg, Bryan, from Suwannee County, Florida, came to Miami ten years ago and joined the MPD two years ago. The girl was rescued by six dairy farmers after chasing Darby's car at high speeds on Milam Dairy Rd. Chief Edward W. Melchen who died recently of a heart attack. (Miami News- 9/19/1937). 7/3/1938. Seven MPD officers were indicted for murder in three different cases from 1925 to 1927.). The Mayor subsequently fired Chief Exposito. Chief Quigg took the offender to Jackson Hospital. Carroll was later jumped and beat up by several assailants while walking the midnight Grove beat, an obvious result of his earlier raid. Local stories in the Miami News, many of which involves in-fighting within the department over vice enforcement, made the news in the late 1940s. (The interesting story of the 1952 Dora Pinder case is contained in this chapter.) Editor's Note: This is the first mention I have found in which a black officer had been employed in an enforcement capacity in MPD history. Crews and his partner, Lonnie Goodbee, were in the jail to kill rats with an air rifle. Additional annexation will come about in 1925. To date, over 200 awards have been presented to a group of great young people. Long time MPD Sergeant Mansfield was buried today in honor. McGriff, R.C., Appointed Dec 1905 as unpaid special, McNeil, .L.L., Appointed Dec 1905 as unpaid special. Stathers, then 45, was face down on the lawn, shot in the back of the head. Gray served three one-year terms before moving back to becoming a farmer in the town of Union, Spaulding County, in west-central Georgia. Feud between Huttoe and Quigg aired again in newspaper. This capture also solved the case of the murder of two Columbian visitors who were gunned down in the rear parking lot of the Trojan Bar, SW 8 St and 8th Ave earlier, by 45 cal. Forty year old Detective Robert Lee Jester, a 10 year veteran of MPD was shot and killed in downtown Miami on Saturday afternoon, November 18,1933, in a shoot out between two MPD detectives and two bank robbers. A 22 year old MPD officer, Frampton Wichman, Jr., was killed when struck by a falling utility pole on Sept 20. A 66 year old officer, John D. Marchbanks. He was traced easily and arrested in Jacksonville. The usual retirement age then was 55. The safe contained only a few hundred dollars at the time of the attempted burglary. The website of the M.P.D VETS, a portion of which is open to the public, is. Nelson had earlier served as Chief when Quigg was first fired in 1944. (This chapter has a story about the author and partner arguing about who actually nailed the burglar. The detention of the juvenile sons of a prominent resident over the alleged scalping of tickets at the Orange Bowl caused quite a commotion and the reduction in the police officers work week from a seven-day week to a six-day week occurred in this period. Scott and Harry Bushman arrived at scene on Oak Avenue just inside of Miami City limits and were jumped by the offender. Officers were also advised not to carry on long conversations with loiterers but to walk your beat. Chief Whitman has an officer meeting each arriving train from up north to pick up suspicious persons. Jonathon has been with the Avondale . 1999-2017 MPVA. The offender later recovered and was executed in 1941. He also fired Desk Sergeant C.A. Officer LaFleur was killed in a 3 A.M on February 16,1951, during a gun battle with a man who was sleeping in a car at NW 3 Ave and 14 St. Therefore, Steve asked the young C.I. MPD Officer, Dirk Schel, 30, was patrolling Zone 12, through the Farmer's Market area, NW 12th Ave and 22 St, on September 27, 1962, searching for two black male bandits who had just committed an Armed Robbery at Neville's Swap Shop, 2156 NW 7 Ave, Miami. Whitman is still a practicing attorney and was recently honored by the France for his extraordinary valor during WW II. He defeated Primo Carnera, among other big names in the sport. A Miami police officer and his wife, a Southern Bell employee, were among those arrested. Lt J.T. He ran for Dade County Sheriff in 1944 and won by a landslide. (This chapter describes the actual personnel deployment in 1907.). Smith, 27. Thomas. Officer Gillette was called to Fairbrother's home to handle a domestic disturbance at which the drunken Fairbrother beat his wife and destroyed household furniture. The group would pay whistle blowers a reward of $25 to any police, sheriff, marshal or constable for the arrest and conviction of any violators of the liquor laws. After we had set the price and arrested him for solicitation of prostitution, he cursed us out, saying. (Miami Metropolis/News- 8/25/1917), Officer C.E. In 1943, England's rulers asked Miami Police for assistance in investigating the murder of Sir Harry Oakes in the Bahamas. (Otis Davis, MPD Ret., President Miami Community PBA). (1942). I made a hurried explanation and departed.' NOTE: The police rules and regulation booklet, the first ever issued to MPD officers, was quite comprehensive, detailing the duties of each rank as well as providing much finger-tip information for each officer. At this time the department's force consists of 14 police officers, 2 Sergeants and the Chief of Police. Compiled by Phil Doherty, Assistant Chief (Ret), Miami Police Department, President Miami Police Veterans Association, March 2010. She is survived by her son, partner, parents, step-parents, and two sisters. Steve later became a professor at a western North Carolina college. "Several improvements have been made in the Miami Police department since Chief Curry took office a few weeks ago. ), (This chapter tells of a shootout at the Burger King where one officer and one offender was wounded and the search for the 2nd bad guy.) In the spring of 1936, he announced that he was vacating the Chief's position and wished to be assigned back to the rank of Captain in charge of the Traffic Divison. There I was with only a T-shirt and pants on and my shirt and vest on the ground. He stopped the auto, searched it and found burglary tools in the trunk. The story of one, the beloved Harry Lenchner, now 90, was published in the MPD Vets newsletter recently and is presented in its entirety. GEO. The motive for the killing was a pool room bet. Before the completion of the trial, he robbed his own family and fled the state. In 1905, Miami opted for a new political scheme that established a Chief of Police position, replacing the Town Marshall as the Citys law enforcer. They ran into 8th Street Road just in time to see the four men who had held them off in front of the store join four other men. It was Sgt. It was noted earlier in Chief Whitman's term, that Gordon R. McDade was a Lieutenant on the force. Huttoe's appeal of the penalty was denied by the police staff after a hearing. Hardee, J.J. , Appointed in January 1908 for the holidays. The City Manager announced a suspension for the second in command, Inspector Forrest Nelson, for taking a city car on vacation to Ohio for a month. Valiton leaned out the car window and fired four shots at Wever, who was rushed to the hospital, dying an hour or so later just as his wife came to his bedside. They were the best of the best - a true band of brothers. This had the affect of breaking up this group of fiefdoms. Pomerleau did not last, but his changes did. One of the suspects fled with the officers in pursuit. ", (Dr. Wilbanks', "Forgotten Heroes", 1996 & City of Miami publications.). One the same date, Officer Frank McDade, Gordon McDade and Harry Lee were allegedly drunk on duty and the Council asked for a hearing. The remainder of the investigate units were placed into one of four geographical divisions, headed up by a Detective Captain. In his pocket was a small drill punch and an automatic pistol. The original 1960s Task Force accomplishments cannot be scribed in this overall history of the department due to space limitations. He was stationed on the USS Arizona in Hawaiis Pearl Harbor on Dec 7, 1941, during Japans strike against America. For non-emergencies, call 305-4-POLICE (305-476-5423) Office of the Director. Carberry heard a pick-up call for a green Pontiac believed used in the Grand Union robbery and spotted the car at SW 3rd Street and 12th Ave. Although Miami is now the hub city of a major national and international metropolis, it is relatively young compared to most large U.S. cities. They ruled their particular area like old time sheiks engaged in a fierce rivalry with each other. It was discovered that the owners of these slots contributed heavily to Williams' election campaign. Cecil Knight, Woods partner in the chase, was Captain Cecil (Hamp) Knight, who was one of the most famous Auto Theft detectives in the nation for many, many years. Some of their regular members at that time were Cal Davis, Mel A. Tibbets, V.D. Talk about fright, he yelled, I yelled and ran back. Owsley, Lt. Ken Parker and Lt. (later Chief) Garland Watkins were super. ), (Shadowing the bolita king is discussed in this chapter.) Strict military order will be observed hereafter according to the new orders issued. (Gene) McCracken leaving the station in a one-man car. (Funny story by field officer who does not want to be identified. In June of 1929 Nelson was suspended, then reduced to police officer rank. The man apparently was badly wounded. CHIEF DENIES MIAM P.D. A news story reported that the team was practicing for an upcoming match against other departments and Army groups. The Chief of Police W. Whitman issued an order that: (1) Not to enter a saloon except as duty calls. Miami detectives had received a tip earlier in the week that safecrackers might soon target the credit union in this building. Sullivan was immediately suspended by Governor Warren. Authors Note: In the early 1960s, lap belts were finally installed in all units and at present, the full safety belts are part of the police car package when purchased. He was a Miami P.D. (This chapter provides the details of Officer Thompsons death.) It was also suggested in the above hearing that McCarthy refused to demote or suspend the three detectives as demanded by the Public Safety Director. My friend Jim was correct in what he said it was all about me. 3/21/1938, A new 'single fingerprint' system has recently been installed in the Miami police identification unit. Virgil Mathis, Capt. Long before DNA tests and video surveillance, Gonzalez cracked cases the. The suspects were immediately transferred to a jail in Jacksonville as it was feared that a crowd of citizens gathered at the Miami jail would lynch them. (In Dec of 1979, Miami-Dade officers (Sheriffs dept) chased and beat a man who later died. McCreary claimed in a 1935 newspaper interview that he had been head of the Miami Ku Klux Klan from 1924 to 1930. FIRST MPD OFFICEER KILLED OFFICER JOHN R. RIBLET, (This chapter provides an in-depth description of the confrontation and shootout which resulted in the first Miami P.D. At the time of her passing, she was the oldest pensioner in the Miami system. A raucous and raunchy gig at Miamis Dinner Key auditorium on March 1st, 1969 resulted in famous rock star Jim Morrison getting arrested for indecency by MPD Officer Ted Seaman and Sgt Jim Cox. McCarthy set up a citizen Secret Observers program for traffic infraction reporting. It was believed that the six fled north in two vehicles that were chased by two police units up to the Fort Lauderdale area. The arrest went off without violence and suspect Longaro was turned over to New York police after the MPD guys found $2,000 in new bills in the suspects luggage. The Miami Beach officer warned the judge in court that he better watch his speedometer while riding in the vicinity of Miami Beach. The service was held in the First Baptist Church at NE 1st Ave and 5th Street, with 5,000 persons attending. Detective Lieutenant C.O. Frohock, John-Marshall, Oct. 1899 - Nov. 1900. Officer Jim Harley, later Gables Police Chief, guessed that Stathers would be in the vicinity of Anthony Abrahams home on South Alhambra Circle. (The author relates in this chapter just how danger can come at an officer from WITHIN the department.) (Jack) Farr, Jr., killed two of the suspects and wounded a third. The job was not all peaches and cream. Ferguson, the current Chief with 97, L.E. After several weeks, Branch set up a bombing and Plumacher was supplied with fake dynamite sticks to place at a Jewish leader's home. The crowd shouted Kill that man. ), "It is impossible for me to forget September 2, 1981", (Sad story by Col. Dick Witt on the killing of Officer Nat Broom.) If you would like to join the team and become a police officer now is the time. (287 words). To my knowledge I thought this place was uninhabited. Sources for this story were from interview and correspondence with retired MPD officer, Ray Parker, who passed away recently as the book was being published. ), (Two snake stories by our in-house snake guy) (1,728 words), SNAKE AT FLA. POWER & LIGHT. The trio was picked up on information provided from Tampa police. Schmid had gone to Chief Hardee's office to provide bond for a young employee who had been arrested by Caswell for vagrancy. The other four men were carrying a small safe which had been removed from a larger safe in the store office. Sheriff Lehman backed up the Chiefs order. Brautigan first was in charge and later, a young Dick Gerstein took over. The effort did bring some economic stimulus to the area as it seemed all of the persons questioned had brand new cash in their pocket. Rose, Marshall Campbell and Forest Nelson. (Police were not equipped with radios at that time). (Sad story in this chapter about the death of the entire contingent of MPD police horses.) Detective Mike Gonzalez was the first police unit that arrived on the scene and attempted first aid. Prisoner Wilson grabbed Crews' gun and fired three rounds. (131 words). 'That all able bodied men who did not assist in the clean-up of the area would be arrested'. Phone: (928) 556-2201. In front of Saunders store, Driggers could see four men armed with rifles and shotguns and they had him covered when one of them issued the command for him to retreat. Gray received 112 votes in his reelection bid, with barely only 115 voters participating out of the 451 voters registered. (178 words). (Miami News-11/13/1933). A 21 year old rookie officer had planned to take his young girlfriend to a prom that evening, May 23, 1970, but was shot and killed at 3AM in the alley behind the sleazy Imperial Hotel on NW 8th, just off Miami Avenue. The pair had caught a Liberty City citizen in a compromising situation and attempted to extort money from him by threatening to tell his wife about his indiscretions. Cal. Police Officer - $125 monthly, $140 after one year. Leroy Smith) were among those assigned. Melchen of the detective division and Captain James Otto Barker of the Identification Unit over to assist the crown in the prosecution of the crime. Morrison was convicted, but died before the sentence was carried out. This action was due to the economic depression of 1907, which affected the entire country. Detective W.J. Brigman had joined the MPD in August of 1941, later taking military leave from 1942 to 1946 to serve in the U.S. Navy. Roberts, G.W., Appointed November of 1913. A young resident of Miami since 1901, Leslie Quigg, announced his candidacy for Sheriff of Dade County. Wow- I was a bit nervous during the first half thinking about a worst-case scenarios. In late December of 1969, Poet Alan Ginsburg had a poetry gig at the Marine Stadium on Miami's Rickenbacker Causeway. The county area then also covered what is now Palm Beach and Broward Counties. Their administration had been labeled the 'termite administration'. In the suspect's car were two grenades, a sub-machine gun and automatic pistols in addition to a paper bag containing $400 in cash that was taken in the Grand Union robbery. (3) Officers must wear the uniform while on duty. But, this time, all his buddies knew about it - because they had taken him there.". As the speech concluded, a short, stocky man climbed atop a cheap metal seat several rows from the front of open band shell, pulled out a 32 caliber pistol, and fired five rounds from 25 feet away in the direction of President-elect Roosevelt. Under his leadership, the position of desk sergeant and the ranks of captain and lieutenant were created. How can I get a copy of a police report? Despite the care provided by the doctors, Cermack died on March 6, 1933, of peritonitis. Instead, he bellied up to the bar and ordered a cold beer, AND offered me one also. City Manager Lee calls for Chief Quigg to clip the wings of ambitious vice detectives who were making raids obsessively to gain clout in obtaining promotions. The shack also contained the fruits of their crime spree. The suspect was booked for Armed Robbery. In February of 1933, Crews was one of the Miami officers who arrested Guisippi Zangara for the murder of Chicago Mayor Cermack during the attempted assignation of President-Elect Franklin Roosevelt in Miamis Bay Front Park. Gautier, all with minor injuries. The Story. Charnin went straight to the rear window of the Pontiac and blasted away across the back seat. 1948, at Flagler Street and NE 2nd Ave. A truck had backed into the rusted utility pole which broke off, bounced off a taxi cab and stuck Officer Wichman. Barker and former MPD officer, W.W. Davenport, at the home of a woman Huttoe was visiting. The following story is how one call - yes, just one call - affected one officer for decades after his service. Clinton had run for City Commissioner in 1937 and was fired for becoming involved in politics. (US Census reports, Miami Metropolis/News-8/1913). He was later re-captured and spent a stretch in the clink. Former MPD Officer Kenneth Kubik, 26, was killed in action in Viet Nam while serving with the US Marines. Sam D. McCreary was appointed as Public Safety Director of Miami, heading up both the Police and Fire Departments in January, 1930. Crews and Officer Pat Baldwin. var prefix = 'ma' + 'il' + 'to'; (334 words). Ken Harms was fired at 3 o'clock in the morning by the City Manager because Ken resisted the Manager's improper and illegal moves to have the department a dumping ground for the manager's unqualified non-law enforcement buddies. Officer John Burlinson was driving east on SW 7th Street at 16th Avenue in his patrol car when he was struck by a drunk driver, William Jacobs, 44, who was initially charged with manslaughter. The money, used for instructing recruits, was counterfeit. Reeve had been hired in 1925 as the Chief of Detectives after serving nine years with the US Justice Department. To acquaint our readers with the law enforcement's state of the art and the criminal society then prevalent in Florida as the 20th Century emerged, the story of the infamous Davis murders, the Dora Suggs murder and the notorious Ashley Gang are presented, as well as their affects on Miami. Many MPD Vets love to tell the story about Sergeant Milt Olgle visiting a 'friend'. McCarthy's tenure did not last long. Griffin was the commander of the Negro Precinct at that time. Norris and J.W. However, this is a excellent example as to why. William McCarthy, 40, who has been serving as Acting Chief since May 23rd, 1935, was appointed permanent Chief of Police last night by City Manager L.L. They were jailed, later fined and sentenced to suspended jail sentences, which brought these unlawful actions to a halt. Zangara had previously lived at 138 Jersey Street in Patterson, and in Hackensack, New Jersey until he moved to Miami months ago. Nelson had changed his name from Epps shortly after 1910 when he entered into an acting career.