Therefore, it is best to leave the end obscure, and allow each reader to imagine his or her own image of happy ending. Also I should like to know about risks, out-of-pocket expenses, time required and remuneration, and so forth by which he meant: What am I going to get out of it? I beg of you, said Bilbo stammering and standing on one foot, to accept this gift! and he brought out a necklace of silver and pearls that Dain had given him at their parting. We emphasise serious discussion here over jokey/meme-based posts. For simplicitys sake I will assume that the cup was originally the property of Thrr because there certainly isnt enough information to unpick the private property law of the Third Age Dwarves of Erebor. Tolkiens writings do not recount the fate of Thranduil. I have drunk much of your wine and eaten much of your bread. and am I going to come back alive?, I don't know half of you half as well as I should like; and I like less than half of you half as well as you deserve., I am old, Gandalf. Of course he didnt. A terrible business, and it nearly was disastrous. Stealing from a thief is still theft. So he isnt a thief as regards what he was hired to do. Go sideways? If Thorin plans to keep his treasure anyway, why does he make a show of listening to Bard at all? Does Bilbo make the right ethical decision here? Twice Bilbo and Thranduil have meaningful encounters, each one revealing a new side of the king's personality. "A mercy it is," he said at last to himself, "that I woke up when I did. Gandalf and Bilbo rode behind the Elvenking, and beside them strode Beorn, once again in man's shape, and he laughed and sang in a loud voice upon the road. The Wood Elves did not work the land, mined or worked metals or jewels, nor did they trade.7 It seems that they didn't have any income source, so it is safe to assume that all their needs were purchased with the king's treasure, namely the realm treasury. He appraised himself as a hero who had not yet given up. The group comes across some of the treasure and use it to armor and arm themselves. "Where are the Eagles?" By caves where never sun has shone, This weakness might be the reason why Thranduil is viewed as greedy in the eyes of some readers. Wake, bake, and drink your morning brew out of the Bilbo Bongins Mug Pipe. The dwarves were making a stand still about their lords upon a low rounded hill. I have drunk much of your wine and eaten much of your bread. However, any indictment would fall apart on the elements of with the intention of permanently depriving the other of it and dishonesty. Otherwise I suppose I might have spent a warm and comfortable night in bed!" "One autumn evening some years afterwards there was a ring at the door. There was, of course, no longer any question of dividing the hoard in such shares as had been planned, to Balin and Dwalin, and Dori and Nori and Ori, and Oin and Gloin, and Bifur and Bofur and Bombur-or to Bilbo. I have heard songs of many battles, and I have always understood that defeat may be glorious. I may be a burglar or so they say: personally I never really felt like one but I am an honest one, I hope, more or less. (Dain does, in fact, honor this deal, so that one-fourteenth of Thorin's treasure goes to Bard after his death.) Is not that a matter of which we may speak? "I go now to the halls of waiting to sit beside my fathers, until the world is renewed. There behind lay Mirkwood, blue in the distance, and darkly green at the nearer edge even in the spring. If one continues to take a step back and look at the big picture one will realize that all these characters serve a purpose of making the best selling book, Researched on page 43 the trolls are heard saying, Theres more to come yet, said Tom, or Im mighty mistook. What does "the forest became dark" mean? He tried to persuade Bilbo to stay with them, for his own safety. "Baggins!" "I beg of you," said Bilbo stammering and standing on one foot, "to accept this gift!" and he brought out a necklace of silver and pearls that Dain had given him at their parting. He was shaking, and as. Thranduil's father, Oropher, understood that no peace could last while Sauron remained undefeated. ", "Farewell! Praise has been blessed to Bilbo by a king in this division. He had golden hair, which was the most distinguishing trait of the Vanyar, but not a common trait among the Sindar: In The Hobbit, it is said about Thranduil (although he is never mentioned by his name, only referred to as the Elvenking), that he was "their greatest king." The Hobbit, JRR Tolkien, HarperCollins 2012 (softcover film tie-in edition) [cited as: The Hobbit]. In what way have I earned such a gift, O hobbit? said the king. It's not just the Elvenking; he also leaves the stolen keys with the drunken guard in the Elvenking's dungeons so the . With the threshold guardians now gone, the company, plus Bilbo, may now begin their long, treacherous, Bilbo Baggins. Upon his tomb the Elvenking then laid Orcrist, the elvish sword that had been taken from Thorin in captivity. Well, er, I thought, dont you know, said Bilbo rather confused, that, er, some little return should be made for your, er, hospitality. You are a fool, Bilbo Baggins, and you made a great mess of that business with the stone; and there was a battle, in spite of all your efforts to buy peace and quiet, but I suppose you can hardly be blamed for that.". It seems very uncomfortable, not to say distressing. i will take your gift to bilbo the magnificentdaily news subscription phone number. Overcoming these problems and learning more about himself helped Bilbo change from an ordinary, self-doubting hobbit into a clever, courage-filled, loyal hero. (15.41-42). Thats how they all came to start, jogging off from the inn one fine morning just before May, on laden ponies (30-1). The roar of his voice was like drums and guns; and he tossed wolves and goblins from his path like straws and feathers. It must be nice having such an easily defined, obviously wicked enemy to fight against. I mean even a burglar has his feelings. Bilbo's moral code is incredibly rigid when it comes to payment: if he has received a service or profited off somebody, he has to pay for it. Get books for your students and raise funds for your classroom. "But I have a helm and a hard skull. That, however, was a little delayed, so in the meantime I will tell something of events. What has it got in its pocketses? A thief but an honest thief, he remains. That's one tall bong! said he. "You are called for;" and leading the hobbit he took him within the tent. plot explanation - Why did Bilbo want the ring back from Frodo Too many . Going on from there was the bravest thing he ever did. On their way home, Thranduil and Bilbo had a second illustrative exchange. For the best experience on our site, be sure to turn on Javascript in your browser. Near the end of what was believed to be failing negotiations, Bard tried to persuade Thranduil to attack before the The Dwarves commissioned by the Elvenking of Doriath to set a Silmaril in the necklace Nauglamr and slayed him in an argument over possession of the jewel. "In what way have I earned such a gift, O hobbit?" Now these were fair words and true, if proudly and grimly spoken; and Bilbo thought that Thorin would at once admit what justice was in them. In that last hour Beorn himself had appeared no one knew how or from where. Thesis: In the book The Hobbit, the character Bilbo Baggins is a middle class hobbit who must challenged his introverted nature to help the dwarves reclaim their land. Explain please. A cave it might have been, but the place was filled with life and light. said the man striding forward. And eventually the keys (which he returned). Taking property falls under the assumption of the rights of an owner, so he does appropriate the chattel. You would have been numbered among the dead, who are many, if Gandalf the wizard had not said that your voice was last heard in this place. "O well!" He was told to act by Thorin. Another piece of evidence that proves the nerves shown by Bilbo before entering his first journey, Yes, lots, said Bilbo before he remembered not to give his friends away. To Bilbo he said: "This treasure is as much yours as it is mine; though old agreements cannot stand, since so many have a claim in its winning and defence. He risks his life on more than one occasion to save his friends and bring peace between the different races. Explore books by genre, topic, reading level, or series to find your next read. Then, somewhere in the pitch-dark night, Bilbo strikes dead a most nefarious enemy. May your shadow never grow less (or stealing would be too easy)! "As soon as you like," said the wizard. . Yule-tide was warm and merry there; and men came from far and wide to feast at Beorn's bidding. However, some overall picture of his character can be deduced from what is said about him directly and in scenes related to him, indirectly. Nevertheless, throughout the Second Age, there was constant conection between the elves from Greenwood and Lrien. In Imladris, Elrond held Vilya, the Ring of Air. "I will carry you down to the camp in the valley," said the man, and picked him lightly up. Mine is the following. Could there be a draught from that little hole? Blog Uncategorized i will take your gift to bilbo the magnificent Uncategorized i will take your gift to bilbo the magnificent (17.62). he said to himself. he asked Gandalf that evening, as he lay wrapped in many warm blankets. That cant be right. Dwarves had time to fully prepare. It is hinted in The Hobbit that the slow degradation of resources over the long years, combined with the spreading of Men's power and influence, and the fight for their survival against growing evil affected them deeply, and they became suspicious and hard. The "Tale of the Years" in The Lord of the Rings tells us of a desperate battle under the trees, in which the forces of Dol Guldur invaded Thranduil's realm. Create your own unique website with customizable templates. "Well, er, I thought, don't you know," said Bilbo rather confused, "that, er, some little return should be made for your, er, hospitality. I suppose not. "Farewell! Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts,,, But what the dwarves are seeking more than anything else is treasure as Bilbo points out much later in the novel, the dwarves have thought of "no way of getting rid of Smaug" (12.33). The knowledge that the Arkenstone was in the hands of the besiegers burned in their thoughts; also they guessed the hesitation of Bard and his friends, and resolved to strike while they debated. Despite his gruff exterior, Beorn had turned out to be a most gracious host, Bilbo thought to himself. While on his way, messengers sent from the ruined Esgaroth, the town of Men which was burned by the dragon, reached him, begging for help for "And I name you elf-friend and . He encounters goblins, creatures, trolls, wargs, spiders, and greed, but not without his friends and his new magic ring. Conclusively, Dawn take you all, and be stone to you! said a voice that sounded like Williams. At the same time, in other parts of Middle-earth, Frodo was struggling to reach Mount Doom, Minas Tirith was fighting for its survival against Saurons forces. Even if his friends are fighting on the right side, that's not much comfort when he begins to think of the cost in lives. Especially because Tolkien obviously chooses every word so carefully. He was invisible now. Because he lives a hero, one will not fail to recognize him. (12.17). Moreover Beorn was going that way too. "Do not make me kill you again, Merasmus!" A great memorable quote from the The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug movie on - [Bilbo is in the treasure room. Thorin," he said as he entered. "This is a bitter adventure, if it must end so; and not a mountain of gold can amend it. Record what books your kids are reading. Not Today. In this instance lets assume that Bilbo was supposed to steal some property belonging originally to Thrr. Then the elves turned towards the Forest, and Bilbo started on his long road home. "Short cuts make delays, but inns make longer ones.". He was talking to himself, but Gollum thought it was a riddle, and he was frightfully upset., The Eagles! See "Mithril" for a good telling by Daeron- (V) of the ancient history of Bilbo's and Frodo's mithril shirt. Obviously, that line in the first chapter that Bilbo looks "More like a grocer than a burglar" really smarts. Bows twanged and arrows whistled; battle was about to be joined. "What voice is it that speaks among the stones?" [Bilbo] must stab the foul thing, put its eyes out, kill it. There far away was the Lonely Mountain on the edge of eyesight. They intended to go along the edge of the forest, and round its northern end in the waste that lay between it and the beginning of the Grey Mountains. Of the twelve companions of Thorin, ten remained. I find there is an irresistible charm about it and I love the story. What news?" The One Ring was destroyed. Are you much hurt? I mean even a burglar has his feelings. Farewell!". In the story The Hobbit, by J.R.R Tolkien, a hobbit named Bilbo Baggins, who goes on a great adventure. I have drunk much of your wine and eaten much of your bread." "I will take your gift, O Bilbo the Magnificent," said the king gravely. I mean even a burglar has his feelings. The Arkenstone sounds like a Simaril because it was meant to be one at one point. In the end he would only take two small chests, one filled with silver, and the other with gold, such as one strong pony could carry. What seems to be the job description for a burglar, according to the dwarves? Then they halted, for the wizard and Bilbo would not enter the wood, even though the king bade them stay a while in his halls. ", "I will take your gift, O Bilbo the Magnificent!" (S. 5(1) TA 1968), With the intention of permanently depriving the other of it means the following: A person appropriating property belonging to another without meaning the other permanently to lose the thing itself is nevertheless to be regarded as having the intention of permanently depriving the other of it if his intention is to treat the thing as his own to dispose of regardless of the other's rights ; and a borrowing or lending of it may amount to so treating it if, but only if, the borrowing or lending is for a period and in circumstances making it equivalent to an outright taking or disposal. Order yours today and get higher in a different way. "It's me, Bilbo Baggins, companion of Thorin!" I dont look it, but I am beginning to feel it in my heart of hearts. Bilbo's Gifts - Tolkien Gateway Some courage and some wisdom, blended in measure. "Now I wonder what has happened?" he said to himself. Asked by cody f #263209 on 9/3/2012 5:07 PM Last updated by jill d #170087 on 9/3/2012 5:32 PM Answers 1 Add Yours. I began to wonder if even your luck would see you through! There was no lie in Bilbos eyes. Victory had been assured before the fall of night, but the pursuit was still on foot, when Bilbo returned to the camp; and not many were in the valley save the more grievously wounded. Yet I am glad that I have shared in your perils - that has been more than any Baggins deserves.". "Well, it seems a very gloomy business.". But other news can wait. I am sure it is better in your hands.". Why, I feel all thin, sort of stretched, if you know what I mean: like butter that has been scraped over too much bread. Dain has crowned their chief with gold, and sworn friendship with them for ever. And I name you elf-friend and blessed. "As all things come to an end, even this story, a day came at last when they were in sight of the country where Bilbo had been born and bred" (299-300). Like the dwarves, Bilbo doesn't seem to be thinking of his quest in grand moral terms. Come along back to your nice cells, and I will lock you all in again, and you can sit there comfortably and think of a better plan-but I dont suppose I shall ever get hold of the keys again, even if I feel inclined to try., If ever you are passing my way, said Bilbo, dont wait to knock! "Well I never! "And I name you elf-friend and blessed. Then Bilbo remembered his ring! Whatever Bilbo was supposed to take out of Erebor, it would have been a chattel and thus personal property. The Elves in the forest had about 400 years of a watchful peace, which ended in 2460, when Sauron returned with increased force. Who were those Elves who welcomed the emigrants? The purpose of this quest is not a black-and-white case of good vs. evil. Not all those who wander are lost., Dont adventures ever have an end? Welcome to r/tolkienfans! A cloudless day, but cold, was broad above him. You see that rune on the West side, and the hand pointing to it from the other rune? In fact, Gloin says, "As soon as I clapped my eyes on the little fellow bobbing and puffing on the mat, I had my doubts" (Tolkien 18). (17.44). My favorite line was when Thranduil said to Bilbo: "I will take your gift, Bilbo the Magnificent.